Thursday 21 November 2013

OUGD501: Lecture, Globalisation, sustainability & the media

Globalisation, sustainability & the media

>The global content of our practices
>Globalized capitalist economy
>Media relationship

Confronting current mentalities video

Process of globalization, the expansion of one system of organizing the world.

Definitions of systems in globalization:



Globalization could be figured as a positive, unifying culture etc.

Capitalism as a system, globalization can be seen as a positive, creating money etc.

Thinking about globalization from a physiological point of view.

Cultural globalization, as I bi-product of consumerism, the spreading of the 1st world culture into 3rd world culture has happened.

George Ritzer talks about the process above as ‘McDonaldization’
Refers to an idea of life, a way of organizing the world.

In the 1960’s people were really for globalization, thought it would enrich the world.

Marshall McLuhan

“Today, after more than a century of electric technology, we have extended our central nervous system in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet….”

“The world shrinks to become a globalised village” – Everyone aware of each others problems, people together as a community.

Globalization has ‘shrunk’ the world, we can see things happening across the other side of the world.

McLuhans theory has not played out. Globalisation has not brought us together in harmony.

If anything we are more separated, we live our lives in this technology world and the Internet. We do not have a global embrace.

Different cultures starting to realise that their ideals are being destroyed. Being taken over by the west.

Globalisation can now be seen as a negative, western culture taking over, a system run by money and corporations.

National culture becomes lost in amongst globalisation, because anyone can work anywhere. It becomes an abstract idea.

Three problems of globalisation:

Sovereignty – challenges to the idea of nation state

Accountability - Transnational forces & organizations: Who controls them

Identity – Who are we? Nationality, community?

We’re now in a system where businesses and corporations have more control than the government.

Manfred B. Steger

“Does globalization make people around the world more alike or more different?”

Not just capitalism is being spread but the way we think is being apposed on other people and radical cultures.

Cultural imperialism

If the ‘global village’ is run with a certain set of values then it would not be so much an integrated community as an assimilated one

The myth in globalised capitalism – everyone has access to the sae information, it’s a free market.

Media conglomerates operate as oligopolies

Oligopolies- clusters of business all in control of one central figure.

Every aspect of media can be traced back to about five or six oligopolies. All of which are American.

Effectively you can say, that one company controls the cultural output of a vast percentage of the world’s media.

News corporations divide the world into ‘territories’ of descending ‘marketing importance’

Trying to get cultures and everyone to think like you.

Local cultures destroyed in this process and new forms of cultural dependency shaped, mirroring old school colonialism.

Chomsly & Herman (1998) ‘ Manufacturing Consent’

Argues that the entire media is like a form of propaganda

Talks about the news as one example, 5 basic filters

Ownership – A large percentage of our newspapers are owned my one man, and he has a particular political take on politics. Most newspaper run as being very factual, but are not.

The Sun has a measureable social effect, due to the backing of Richard Murdoch.

Sourcing - Stuff that’s reported is only stuff that Is allowed to be reported.

Funding – Advertisers

Flak – Use the media to spread their particular take on the world. Concerted and international efforts to manage public information.

Al Gore ‘An Inconvenient Truth” David Guggenheim (2006)

Flat Earthers
Competitive Enterprise Institute

Evil politicians, saying global warming is massive hoax.

Global emissions since Kyoto info graphic.

The solution to global warming is to buy more stuff, buy into the capitalist system, the consumer system.


‘Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to their own needs’

Sustainable capatlism

Erin Balser – talks about an effective pollution free sustainable fuel.

It’s much more expensive to produce, causes more problems trying to produce it.

Companies doing Greenwashing

Greenwash your packaging – companies releasing a green product, advertise your product as something, which is eco friendly and sustainable.

‘Most thing are not designed for the needs of the people but for the needs of the manufactures to sell to people’

Papaneks mind map of what people really need:

McDonalds graffiti eat this..

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