Thursday 5 December 2013

OUGD501: Lecture, Subculture and style

Subculture and style

Subculture: A group of people which differentiates them from the larger culture to which the belong.

Dogtown and Z boys (2001)

Documents the skateboarding subculture.

Reincorporate existing places to skateboard, swimming pools, schools etc.

Boys and girls dressed the same, jeans, shorts, pumps.

Ian Borden 'Preforming the city'

Iain looked at skaters in the city in a more political view than 1970's skateboarding. Skaters are finding other users of the environment.

London south bank, a space turned skatepark since the 1970's, has plans to be turned into cafes and restaurants etc. A petition has delayed the planning. The guardian explained south bank as this hell hole.

Lords of Dogtown (2005)

Skateboarders replace a way of life, redefine themselves within the city using the environment.

Parkour/ freerunnning

Rebellion, space being defined for you, almost have this superhero look.

Graffiti subculture - Nancy McDonald

'You are what you write'

Your neither, black white, rich or poor. You are anonymous.

Miss Van

Swoon (US)

Angela Mc Robbie and Jenny Garber write about how subculture is a very male dominated thing

Motorbike girl

Brigittie Bardot

Quadrophenia (1979)

Mods and Rockers are subcultures who emerged in the 1960's through them having disposable income and being able to copy the middle class smart casual dress. Hebdige outlines the hierarchies within the mod subcultures where the 'faces' who mdd up the original coterie were defined against the unimaginative majority.

Hippy girl

Arises in the 60's and 70's, middle class girl, with an education, exploring sex and drugs.

Bad hippy/ Good hippy

Riot Grrrl - mid 1990s onward

Underground punk movement.

Movement documented in zines

Media attention turns to grunge scene

Spice Girls

5 visual types for young girls to look up to, gives girls a voice.

Subcultures in punk era become demonised in the era, represent all that is bad in society.

Dick Hebdige

'Offence caused by lyrics and behaviour is important as it leads questions about the parent culture.'

Examines dress style and music, and how it has been turned into mass produced objects. Ripping clothes as an anti fashion statement, then it is produced as an actual product, goes completely against the reason for the ripping.

21st century demonisation
-Style provokes response
-ridiculed articles that define subcultures as social problems

Bricolage: Edwardian style - teddy boy

Teddy boy culture was an escape from the claustrophobia of the family, into the street.

Racists give Nazi salut in London 1980

Gavin Watson Skins (1980's)

This is England (2006) Shane Meadows

New kid on estate, dad dies in Falklands  he's innocent and the skinheads take him on almost like a farther figure.

Post subcultures?

In our modern society with different fashion and styles its becoming difficult to pinpoint what a subculture is.

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