Thursday 4 October 2012

Alphabet Soup; Visual Thinking: Research

I've been looking at how things melt and the forms in which an object can take whilst its melting or after its melted. During the process of melting the way in which a material can change from solid to a liquid can create some interesting shapes which i could incorporate into my letter design. Whether it be melting food or melting a material, such as plastic or even metal.

Here's a few examples of melting food and melted food:

When anything melts it changes into its liquid form, creating some interesting patterns which i could use in my designs. I think it's also interesting how when a material melts and then sets the shape is completely different to how it started. The way it sets can create an interesting form which could be interesting to use as a design!

As you can see some of the patterns which have been created by these materials when melting or set can be really diverse and interest, i like the random blobs and the over lapping, I'm going to incorporate this into my letter design.

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