Thursday 11 October 2012

Alphabet Soup; Typeface: Research

I was picked to partner up with Joe Harrison.

Joe is originally from Sheffield but has been living in Leeds the past year. He's really into his graffiti and that whole kind of underground urban culture.

I really like the idea of adding a graffiti style into my typeface, i think it's a brilliant start. Graffiti can be so broad so i could easily incorporate different styles and different line qualities.

He's a fan of hip hop which he's always listened to from an early age and is also very into Dub Reggae.

Dub Reggae is quite a distinct sub genre of music, on one hand it can be very chilled out, but then it can range to being quite alive and energetic. I believe i could mix fonts to represent this, maybe using quite a standard formal font to represent the chilled out side, then use an informal font for the energetic range.

 Joe also made clear that although he can be very unorganized he also likes to be very tidy. These two opposites could also play apart with the mixing of the two fonts, similar to the music.

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