Saturday 13 October 2012

OUGD401: Study Task 2: Prospectus Analysis

We were given a supposed Leeds College of Art prospectus which we had to analyse, we had a small debate on why we thought the booklet had been poorly designed. Here were my opinions on the Prospectus.

First of all I thought it was too bland, there wasn't enough colour to get the audience interested. If i was to pick it up and read it i would relate it more to a prospectus for a business school, or even an instruction manual.

Seen as its promoting an art school the main focus seemed to be on how much information they could provide the reader with, where as really it should be focused on the quality of art work. You had to haul through atleast five pages of block text before actually coming to an image, and even the image was about a third of the size of text on the page.

The front cover has been poorly designed. It read, 'We Are The State Of The Art' in big block red font on a royal blue background. The colours didn't contrast and the choice and positioning of the font gave a feeling that it had been rushed.

I guess one strength which the prospectus did provied was the amount of important and useful information. Although it almost suffocated the rest off the images it was helpful and told you everything you needed to know about the college.

The images themselves were another downfall which i thought really could of been improved. The photography was very unprofessional, and seen as the college are going to want to show off their students to the potential students applying, i dont think the images did the college any justice.

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