Thursday 25 October 2012

OUD401: Critical Analysis, work from studio session

Critical Analysis

In the first session we were asked to bring in two pieces of graphic design we liked and two we disliked:



First of all we were split into groups and asked to write L and D on the back of each of our images, L for the likes D for the dislikes, we then had to place the images in the centre of the table. We were asked to swap tables and had to arrange another groups images into piles of Likes and Dislikes. It was interesting to see when we swapped back that everyone had placed almost all the likes and all the dislikes into the correct pile apart from the odd one or two!

We then gathered in studio three to discuss the way in which we analysed which images were good and which were bad. As a group we came up with a list of criterea which helped us all put them into their groups:

colour, layout, communication, visual content, non-visual content, function, quality of execution, legibility, audience, context, concept, message, media/method of production.

For the second part of the task we got into pairs and had to use the format DIET to analyse one of our own images. 

D- Describe
I- Interpret
E- Evaluate
T- Theories

 This was the image i chose. First of all we were asked to individually describe, and interpret our own image.

Describe -

A picturesque image, supported by a bad combination of type, colour and design. The type is placed unevenly which distorts the whole design 

Interpret - 

 The image is the first slide of a sales presentation. Has a theme of 'energy' illustrated by the power cables, the word 'power' and the power symbol within the word.

After completing this section of the task we had to both evaluate and theories each others images.

Evaluate - 

The image lacks a feeling of professionalism I dont think the image is particularly enjoyable to look at. Very little thought put into and a lack of skill


Change of font, improved skills, different layout and colour. The image needs re thinking.

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