Sunday 4 November 2012

OUGD401: Study Task 4, Modernism/ Post modernism

Find 5 images of Modernist graphic design and 5 images of postmodernist graphic design. Write a short critical analysis of each image, which focuses on

a) Why you consider each image to be Modernist / Postmodernist
b) Whether you think that the image is successful or unsuccessful
c) relate your analysis to the terminology introduced in the session
d) Use at least one quote from the essay by Massimo Vignelli to back up your analysis


I've chosen this gig poster by Mike Joyce which clearly highlights the characteristics of modernism. It's easy to see that the poster has a solid structure, there is a clear use of grids displayed by the alignment of the text. The use of block colours and the precision of the layout give the piece its distinctive and clean style. I believe the image successfully delivers its message to inform.
Here is the front cover to the New York Subway guide by Massimo Vignelli. The modernist elements are easy to spot. There's clear alignment and symmetry making the overall design quite even and clean. The font which i believe is Helvetica, is a common Sans Serif font used in modernist design adding to the clean simple design.
Going by the theory form follows function the map clearly indicates what it is, and what information it will be providing there for successfully filling its purpose.



Here is a poster for London Zoo. I couldn't find a set date but there's all the clear signs to show the image is modernist. Three block colours being used, making it very simple but really effective and memorable. The text again is a sans serif, aligned in a grid symmetric pattern down the centre of the page. The layout sticking to a certain set of rules, keeping within the boundaries, but doing so with a successful delivery.  

 A modern and innovative design for the T.V. program Dexter. A clear set of rules highlight the neat modernistic design. The text again is Helvetica, aligned neatly in the top left hand corner. One use of colour adding to the powerful simple imagery which is being displayed. I really like the folded paper effect, it almost highlights the grid lines to which the poster has been designed against. 

 The front cover of a recipe book, my final modernistic design which i think clearly delivers its function to intise, keeping it simple and interesting but clearly understandable. Again the typography aligned to fit and compliment the imagery and colours of the design. The colours all meeting at a certain point, all configuring to fit a certain grid.

Post modernist

Here is Andy Warhol's Dollar Prints. The postmodernist design is a lot different to the modernist, bending the rules for a reaction, it's more about the look than the function. Here its obvious to see the postmodernist characteristics. The scruffy hand drawn style shows the careless creation of which the piece was designed. It almost looks as if it was the draft to a piece of work which was then going to be developed. It's very unusual, its not clear to see what message Warhol is trying to put across, you really have to look at this with an open mind.
Barbara Kruger's 'I Shop Therefore I Am' playing on the, 'I Think Therefore I Am'. This design although quite neat shows a style of cut and paste, mixing real media with digital design! The bit mapped print giving it an almost punky kind of collage style. I really like this style, it has more meaning behind it, you could possibly argue it has clear elements of modernism.

Never Mind The Bollocks album art, Jamie Reid, 1977. Very clear signs of postmodernism! Very cut and paste, really in your face colours. The use of language is very in your face, and to some offensive. 'Sex pistols' is off centre showing there scruffy careless attitude via the placement of the text.
A gig poster for the band Anthrax. Very punk, again very cut and paste, almost looks as if its been created from newspaper scraps, adds to the grunge attitude of the band. The colours are really bland but it really adds to the affect of the poster. Nothing is aligned, its all over the place and there is a whole range of different fonts adding to the almost anarchy of the design!

A design cover i found for ID which uses all the characteristics of a postmodern design! The wide range of bright colours, the collage effect which make up the image of the person on the front cover. The text is very experimental and on purposely misaligned. I'm not sure if the magazine has created this effect to ironically portray the unusual design of postmodernism, but its a very good example of the destructive style in which postmodernism emits.

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