Monday 26 November 2012

OUGD404: Visual Literacy, studio session 2

We were asked to take two images away from Fred's session and describe why one fit with our rules, and one didn't. Here are my rules:

1. A certain set of skill for the execution of the design.
2. Innovative, clear and simple message.
3. A considered and intelligent use of type imagery and colour.

Here is the first image:

I picked the poster above as the image which fit to my rules. The message is clear innovative and simple. The poster is for the movie Kill Bill, which is clear from the header. The symbolic and relatable footprints at the bottom for fans of the movie. There is definitely a considered and intelligent use of type, imagery and colour. For people who have seen the movie this will be much more clear, but the poster has been designed for fans who are interested in collectables. So the red footprints allow the viewer to relate to a memorable scene in the movie. The posters been designed well, and theres a high level of skill in the execution of the design. I love the texture and the clear text. The colour works brilliantly and the whole simplistic style of the poster makes it look very professional.

Here's the image which didn't fit with my rules. I really dont like the whole layout of the piece, it doesn't have much thought behind it at all. The colours are very random, there isn't any means of consideration for the colour choice. I see that the image has been given an illustrative effect, which shows through in the type. The message isn't so clear either, the text is telling you to close your mouth and open your eyes, but the image has both the eye and the mouth open?

For each rule i was asked to find three pieces of Graphic Design which i thought best fulfilled my rules.

A certain set of skill for the execution of the design

Typography Mania #159

Typography Mania #158

Typography Mania #158

Really like these three designs, and it's clear to see there is a certain level of skill needed to produce each. I really like the last image, which is handrawn. Each image is interesting and engaging and the quality for each is of a professional level.

Innovative, clear and simple message

Typography Mania #155

Typography Inspiration

Very clever and engaging pieces here. Each image is simple but relatable. The messages are clear, precise and to the point! I like how you only have to take a glance at most of them and you can get the gist of the message which is being portrayed.

A considered and intelligent use of type imagery and colour

Typography Mania #154

Typography Mania

Typography Inspiration

Really interesting pieces of Graphic design, Intelligent and original. I really like the clean cut edges, the considered use of type and the colours for each work brilliantly. A very clever use of type for the top image, playing around with the arrangement of the text and the way in which it is supposed to be read.

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