Wednesday 23 October 2013

OUGD501: Study Task 2 - Consumerism


Using the text Berger, J. (1972) 'Ways of Seeing', write one critical analysis of an advert which, in your opinion, reflects the logic of consumerism, or the social conditions of consumerism, discussed in the lecture 'Consumerism' (17/10/13). Use at least five quotes, referenced according to the Harvard system, in support of your argument.

Advertising is a platform which we are exposed to on a daily basis. It has become a part of the social community which we are unwillingly a part of, and it's almost controlling who we are, or who we want to be. I've chosen an advert by Emporio Armani to highlight a few points of the social conditions of consumerism and how they are reflected in our society. 

We are consistently sold a life of luxury, a fantasy life to which we'd love to live, but in hindsight we are far from achieving it. 'Publicity speaks in the future tense and yet the achievement of the future is endlessly deferred.' By giving us the option of being able to possibly buy into a life of wealth and happiness, makes us feel as if it is very nearly possible, therefore buying the product being sold will allow us to take that one step further into this life of glamour. As this life is never achieved and we are only temporarily satisfied, advertisers continually play on this, consistently selling us a dream. I can exemplify my point of a lifestyle of glamour by using the Emporio Armani advert. The advert is selling underwear for both men and women by using celebrities David and Victoria Beckham. By using a celebrity endorsement it creates this sense of adoration to the audience. If you purchase this brand you to can live alongside the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

Advertising is always telling us we can transform ourselves for our own satisfaction, and the satisfaction of being accepted by others by buying things we don't have but think we need. 'It proposes to each of us that we transform ourselves, or our lives, by buying something more.'  We are given an alternative way of living, which is shown to be better than what we are already, and by buying into this we can transform into someone who is envied and respected. By buying an expensive brand like Emporio Armani, you can be seen as wealthy and stylish. 'The purpose of publicity is to make the spectator marginally dissatisfied with the present way of life'.

Adverts play on the fact that we think we can be as loveable, or as good looking, handsome, stylish as the model selling the product. 'If you are able to buy this product you will be loveable. If you can not buy it, you will be less loveable' It allows us to imagine ourselves as being what we want to be, and what we could possibly be. Emporio Armani sell us this product as being a luxurious necessity, if the rich are buying and wearing it then its acceptable for me to purchase such expensive designer goods and I will be envied as much as them. As everyone perceives the adverts in the same way it starts to play on your anxiety, if everyone's doing it, then shouldn't I be doing it, and if I'm not buying that does that mean I'm not 'loveable'. 'The anxiety in which publicity plays is the fear that having nothing you will be nothing' Adverts create a false sense of need, making you want things which you don't actually need but you could be better off with having.

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