Tuesday 12 November 2013

OUGD501: Studio session 4 - The gaze & the media

An over view of 'The gaze & the media' lecture:

> Women represented in a certain way through out history

> Drawn in a way that makes it comfortable of the viewer

>Mannet & birth of venus painted same year, but are very different.

Birth of venus is very traditional and mythological, with cupids, and the lady lying on the waves. Where as Manet is a painting of a prostitute, the painting technique has a very rough look.

> Naked paintings of women are a kind of accepted way of viewing pornographic images.

> Painted by men for men - painted so the female doesn't challenge the male gaze.

> Named 'vanity' - Enjoys looking at herself

In Olympia - Manet - Jarring because the gaze is met full on - she's covering up herself.

The Gaze

Naked vs Nude

Naked - How you see yourself

Nude - To be objectified by someone else - not recognising yourself in an image.

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