Tuesday 12 November 2013

OUGD501: Studio session 5 - First things first

Ethic Lecture > coming up on thursday.

In this session we were split into groups:

We were given a copy of the First Thing First manifesto from 1964 and asked to explain the points also giving a bit of context of the year.

Context of around 1960's

> Advertising coming of age
> Mastered the language of T.V.
> Advertising reflected a trend towards innovation, sophistication and a growing youth culture
> Old attitudes towards war, race, gender, age, tradition and authority challenged.
> Young people protested against the materialism, consumerism, capitalism and conformism of their parents generation.

Points from the Manifesto 1964

> We are presented with the idea that advertising is 'the most lucrative, effective and desirable means of using our talent'.

> But there are better things that we can use our skill and experience to promote out trade, education, culture and greater awareness of the world.

> Reconsider priorities of the more useful and more lasting forms of communication.

> Design to benefit society - not trivial purposes

> More useful ways in which designers can use their skills

> National purposes - worthwhile purposes.

> Design to inspire

> Share opinion

> Design as education

> Revers priorities

Other groups explained the other version of the manifesto:

First things first 2000 - republished by adjusters

> Consumerism has developed, grown & the situation has got worse

>  Change of tone - more pressing

> Anti consumerist

> Self perpetuating system

> Politicisation of the first text

> Redraft

> A call for action

> Charity/ education - Design activism

First things first (revisited)

> Consumer system developed

> Garland = political activist

> Synergy between advertising & design - lack of authority in design

> Still of relevance

> Style over substance - liking the look over the content

> Democracy

First things first critique

> Who could be against this.

> 'They've resisted manipulating the roles' (uneducated - it's easy for men of their stature to be ethical as they can afford it, they have loads of money).

> advertising for good or bad causes employ the same techniques & apparatus as advertising.
> Manifesto over emphasises the role of the graphic designer.

> 'Struggle for very future of humanity'.

> It's better to be apart of the consumer society so you can make a difference inside it.

> Manifestos are simple; life is complex.

> Meaning - a new kind.

> The manifesto is easy to understand but hard to execute.

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